US Dressage Finals
Declaration of Intent to Compete
A Declaration of Intent must be completed to be eligible to compete at the 2024 US Dressage Finals November 7-10, 2024. Each horse/rider
combination entering a Regional Championships class that would qualify for the US Dressage Finals is required to file a Declaration of
Intent for the Championships if that horse/rider combination wishes to participate in the US Dressage Finals. A Declaration of Intent
must be completed for each horse/rider combination for each level and division for which the horse/rider combination may qualify. There is
no fee for the Declaration of Intent.
The horse/rider must declare their intention to participate by completing the Declaration of Intent form by midnight on the day prior to
the first day of their Regional Championship competition (including any open class day before the start of championship classes). It is
recommended that anyone interested in competing at the US Dressage Finals declare as soon as possible. A Declaration of Intent does not
commit a horse/rider combination to attend.
To be invited to the US Dressage Finals, the horse/rider combination must be named Champion or Reserve Champion in a Regional Championship
class and must have achieved a score of 57% or higher. Champions and Reserve Champions in eligible classes will be automatically invited
provided a declaration of intent has been filed. In the event the Champion and/or Reserve Champion decline the invitation or are ineligible
to compete, an invitation will be extended to the horse/rider combination with the next highest placing in the class, providing they have
(1) achieved the prerequisite score of 57% or higher (2) filed a Declaration of Intent for that particular level and division (3) are U.S.
citizens. If that combination declines the invitation, the same process for issuing invitations is followed down through the fifth placing
horse/rider combination that have declared at that level and division. No invitations will be issued beyond the fifth placing declared
horse/rider combination, except as may be eligible through the Wild Card invitations.
The rider must be a U.S. Citizen at the time of the US Dressage Finals competition. The rider will be required to have a USDF Participating
Membership and USEF Active or Life Membership to qualify and compete at the US Dressage Finals.